
Shaolin Temple Boxing - Tiger Ripping System

About the Club

To find out when we meet, click on the "Training" link above.

To watch some demonstration videos click on the "Training Video" link above.

Shaolin Temple Boxing Tiger Ripping System Gung-Fu club aims to promote martial arts to the general public as an act of self defence.

Tai Si Gung Bob Jones has been invited by the Venerable Abbot to visit the Shaolin Temple, but had to decline as it meant he would have to stay for ten years!

Bob is the Senior Instructor of the club, and has been training in the art for over 40 years. Bob is also Sensei Shodan Ju-jitsu and has studied other forms and techniques.

The club gives lectures on self defense and Tiger Ripping gungfu to any group or organisation that may require them, free of charge

There are ladies self defence classes at all our meeting and we will also give ladies groups lectures on self defence free of charge.

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